Today I hosted a "Fancy Schmancy Girly Tea Party" for Madeline and five of her girlfriends in our ward, Hanna, Brynlee, Cassidy, Sofia, and Lydia. It was so sweet. The girls arrived all dressed up in their fancy dresses, necklaces, and guzzy-up accessories. They looked so darling! First we all decorated hats with flowers. Then we had the tea party with all the moms acting as waitresses for the little girls. We served them the tea (pink lemonade), ritz bitz sandwiches, peanut butter pinwheels, grapes, apples, baby goldfish, cookies, and mini cupcakes. Finally, after it was all over, we helped the girls all paint their nails together! It was so cute!
Thanks to all the moms who helped make this possible. Tawna donated her lovely teapots to my assorted mismatched craiglist teacups (such a find!), Kristi took a bunch of the photos here and did such a great job, and all the ladies helped with the food. You ladies are the best! Truth be told, I've been wanting to do a tea party ever since I found out I was having a baby girl, so this has been a long time coming! I hope the girls enjoyed it as much as I did! I'm pretty sure it was a success for Madeline, because she's been playing tea party all day ever since waking from her nap and asking if we can have another party. And speaking of naps, I think we must have worn her out with all the tea party fun because she actually asked if she could go have a nap afterward and went up to bed all by herself!!! Now that is a first!!!!
Lisa, that is sooooooo cute! It looks like all the little girls had a blast! (Good idea getting tea cups on Craigs list)
SO SO SO super cute! I can't wait to borrow your tea set for my own tea parties with T! I especially love the picture from up above. Such a beautiful shot! Fun activity...I bet all the girls were in heaven!
Sofia loves it! She had a lot of fun. Thanks!
Lisa, you are so amazing! What a cute idea. Now I just have to wait several years for Alta to get old enough to have one! I love the pictures. Great great post!
wow... that was fast! Hannah really had a great time, thanks again!
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